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Colors for a buy button

Every website has a number of buttons, each with a particular function. For example, more information, order, sign up. So what are the most important colors for a buy button? All colors for a buy button evoke at least a certain action. Your goal is that the visitor performs this action so it is important that the colors for a buy button also stand out well. On the other hand, you have a site in a certain house style and a certain button color may not fit the house style at all, then what?

Here you are faced with the first choice. Do I want a button that fits nicely with the site but doesn't stand out or do I want different colors for a buy button that stands out but may not be as pretty. Our opinion ... go for option 2. It is more important that the action is executed than that everyone looks over the button. Besides, there is plenty of leeway in colors for a buy button so there is almost always a color to choose that both attracts attention and fits the site.

What are important colors for a buy button?

We know of three primary colors, these consist of red, blue and yellow. Mixing two of these colors together creates secondary colors. Think green, orange, purple.

Perhaps you now think that color does not play a big role in taking an action but unconsciously we determine many of our actions based on color. Do you pick pretty yellow, green, red apples or brown when you walk around the supermarket? Goalkeepers on a soccer team tend to wear an eye-catching colorful jersey. Why? Because those colors attract attention and the opponent subconsciously wants to play the ball there. One last example then. Red can of soda with big white letters. What brand do you think of then? Indeed Coca-Cola.

Now we know that colors are important for our brain but which colors are important for a buy button? Let's start with the primary colors.

  • RED
    This color is very striking and therefore immediately arouses attention because it creates a strong emotion. Small note is that it also tends to danger and error which has a negative connotation. Back in school, mistakes were always marked in red. So pay close attention when using the color red that the emotion can be both positive and negative.
  • BLUE
    This color exudes calm, confidence and security and is related to communication. Not surprisingly, companies such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Skype all have a blue logo. If you want to use this color for a button on your site, it can be used for an action that should come across as trustworthy, such as leaving information.
    This color represents peace and health considering the environment and nature but also the color of money when we think of the dollar and the €100 bill. Hence it is also a color of wealth. We often see that a lounge or waiting room is provided with green colors because it exudes tranquility. If you think of the buttons on your site then green can be used to provide more information. Given its affinity for wealth, green is the perfect color button for sharing information for investments and loans et cetera.
    This is also a loud color that really stands out, it sort of screams the message. Think of the time of clearance in the city. Many stores then have large yellow attention-grabbing window displays. Surely this makes people look to see what is in the window. So using a yellow button can be used for the visitor who is "walking past your site. Action, discount, buy is what you want to say with this color. Next we look at the secondary colors, as indicated these are green, orange and purple.
    This color is not unknown to us Dutch. The royal family, our lions and lionesses, the Max verstappen stand and actually all other types of athletes and sports that represent our country. Because of this we may be slightly biased by this color but there are more aspects of importance with orange. Also this color radiates an action like buy, order, checkout, subscribe. Especially impulsive purchases are encouraged with this color. This is partly because this color is considered friendly and cheerful. In addition, it is a very energetic color which contributes to its enthusiasm.
  • PAAR
    This is a tranquil color that, in the right environment, represents success and wealth. Think of paintings of ancient rulers who had themselves painted with imposing purple attire. Still, it can be a tricky color because we don't encounter it much in everyday life. Buttons in this color are mainly used to provide more information about a particular product or service. Make sure that this color matches the style of the site.

Of course, every person is different and may react differently to a particular action. To some extent, this is also true with colors and thus ultimately with colors for a buy button. For example, not everyone has the same favorite color. Still, there is a part of being unconscious which on average generates the same reaction in humans. So this also ensures that we still have the same thought behind a certain color for a buy button and the action behind it.

In addition, multiple colors can also convey a certain action. If you want to determine what color a button should be, make sure it is a color that both sends the right signals to the visitor and fits the style of the website.

Are you curious about certain colors for a buy button that are best for you or do you have other questions regarding colors for a buy button please contact us. We are happy to help you choose the perfect buy button.

You can reach us by phone at 040 304 67 55 (open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) or leave a message using the contact form below.

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