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instagram & facebook advertising

Social media has become a daily habit for many people. Advertising on social media can be a great way for a business, to advertise its products or services. Do you choose to advertise on Instagram and Facebook? Then we can help you from A to Z to create the perfect social media ads.


Instagram is also used by millions of Dutch people. It is also going through a big rise, and the end of this rise is far from imminent. Just like on Facebook, we see many people following their favorite brands on Instagram, in order to stay up to date on what is going on in that company. This is a way to reach existing customers, but Instagram ads is a perfect way to introduce other consumers to your brand. Ads on Instagram are often hard to distinguish from organic posts, which is exactly what makes advertising on Instagram so effective.


Facebook is used by more than 10 million Dutch people. This makes it, after WhatsApp, the largest social media platform. Because of this, you can be sure that your target audience is also active on Facebook. Many companies already reach their loyal fans through an unpaid Facebook account. Posting organically is free, and we see that many companies are already doing this. Promoting products or services is something we often do not see on Facebook in the right way, while there is a lot to gain here.


Facebook and Instagram are part of Meta. This also impacts your business Facebook and Instagram accounts. If you want to advertise on Instagram, this will go through Facebook ad manager. The advantage of this is that if you want to advertise on Instagram and Facebook, you only have to provide the information once. So you can set up your Facebook Shop, to tag products of yours on both Facebook and Instagram in organic and sponsored posts. We can also set up certain personas, to perfectly focus on the different audiences your business has.

Advertising with a flexible budget

Want to advertise on Instagram and Facebook on a small budget? That's no problem at all; you can already do this with an advertising budget of a few dollars per day. Also, thanks to the sizes of both platforms, you can easily scale up your ad budgets substantially. This way, you can carefully test out your Facebook and Instagram ads in reality, and then take it to a larger scale.

Specific targeting

On social media, you can determine an enormous amount about your ads. So can who gets to see your ads. Do you want to focus on people with specific interests, or life events? That is easily possible if you want to advertise with Instagram and Facebook! Social media advertising can also be interesting for local businesses, such as bakeries, restaurants or clothing stores. In fact, you can also easily choose to advertise on specific cities and towns.

Huge range

Are you operating in a niche market? Or just not? It doesn't really matter, because everyone is represented on social media.

High conversion among visitors

When advertising through Instagram and Facebook, we often see that the conversion rate among visitors is very high. This is due to a few aspects. For example, advertisements on social media are very visual, so users immediately have a good picture of your products. It is then a lot easier for them to decide whether they want to purchase or not. You can also link visitors directly to specific product pages. This way you shorten the buying process and the chances of a conversion are again much higher.

Visual ads

Instagram ads or Facebook ads are visual. Therefore, you can decide exactly what information you want to show. Do you want to include the price of your products, or leave that out for now? Do you want to show a zoomed-out photo of your products, go for a zoomed-in detail photo, or show both, by sharing a photo or letting people swipe over your ad? With Instagram and Facebook advertising, we can determine exactly which form of advertising is most interesting.

Advertisements are common and you will often see them in your daily life. Often, however, the human brain ignores ads. Seeing an ad is one thing, but actually noticing it is another. That chance does exist on visual platforms like Facebook and Instagram!

Wondering what E-Expansion can do for your company?

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