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Why choose a One-step checkout?

A one-step checkout is a checkout page displayed on a single page. Many websites require you to go through several steps to checkout but a one-step checkout allows you to go through the entire ordering process on one page. More and more business owners are opting for a one-step checkout in their online store and this is for good reason because a one-step checkout brings some interesting benefits.


With a one-step checkout, your online store's customers can immediately see exactly what they need to do to place an order. With some multi-page ordering systems, this is also the case (here, a bar is shown with the steps to follow) but most multi-page ordering processes do not show customers what exactly they need to do to place an order. This creates ambiguity and can put customers off. If customers see that they are almost done ordering, they are more likely to actually end up placing an order and not be put off by an extensive step-by-step plan.


Because the customer does not have to click through to a new page each time, he/she can go through the ordering process faster. Since online shoppers consider the speed of an online store (and its ordering process) very important, this is definitely a plus. On top of that, most one-step checkouts are somewhat less elaborate than multi-page ordering systems. Which means customers need to fill in less data when placing an order. The less data you have to fill in, the faster you'll finish ordering and the more likely it is that you will indeed place an order.

A one-step checkout reduces dropouts

The checkout comes across as very customer-friendly because the customer sees exactly what they still need to do to place an order. The customer finishes ordering faster and therefore they are less likely to drop out. Many customers abandon their order at the last minute because of an unclear or complex ordering process, but this is not the case with a one-step checkout. It takes some effort to change your current ordering system to a one-step checkout but in return you get more orders and thus more sales and profits.

Are you convinced of the benefits of a one-page checkout? Contact us to check out the possibilities for your online store!

You can reach us by phone at 040 304 67 55 (open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) or leave a message using the contact form below.

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