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Finding matching website images for your website

Do you also find it so difficult to find the right website images for your website or blog post? Your blog post is finally ready and then of course you have to find an appropriate image to go with it. This "featured image" as it is called within WordPress is the image that appears at the top of your blog post or just in the overview page. Finding matching website images to your article/post is often difficult, and you also want the image to match the style of your website. In this article we will give you some tips on where and how to quickly find a matching image.

Stock photos

A quick way to buy a royalty-free photo for your website is to use a stock photo. A good example where you can buy stock photos is shutterstock.com, for example. When you start looking for a photo, it is important that you do a quick and focused search, so think carefully about what exactly you are looking for. For example, do you want to use a photo or an illustration on your website? Or should the image be very descriptive or conceptual? If you think about this first, you will find the right matching website images faster.

Create your own photo or illustration

Nowadays, everyone walks around with a modern smartphone in their pocket containing an incredibly good camera. Of course, from now on you can quickly and easily shoot a nice picture that fits your website or article. Shooting a picture yourself is often the fastest way to get a good and, above all, appropriate image. If you have taken your picture and you are a bit handy with Photoshop, for example, you can still edit it and make sure that the picture fits your article or website exactly.

Outsource it

If you choose to use your own materials, you can of course also choose to outsource. For both photography and design there are plenty of specialists available and it looks more professional when you use your own materials that fit perfectly within or with your business. Should you choose to hire external help you can look at websites such as Upwork.com or Fiverr.com. Here you will find numerous talented freelancers who can help you with beautiful, recognizable, custom illustrations and photos at surprisingly low cost. The biggest advantage of having your own materials is that you don't have to worry about your competitor using the same website images.

Tip: compress website images for maximum performance

Once you have found your desired image, it is important that you create it in the right format and compress it properly. The smaller the image (file size) the faster the loading time of your website. A fast website makes for a better user experience and therefore better results.

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